Sound therapy aftercare

What to expect after a sound or gong bath


I hope you enjoyed your session today. Like most holistic approaches, sound therapy sessions can sometimes trigger a personal process. This can be on a physical, mental or emotional level and is usually experienced as mild changes from what you would consider to be the ‘norm’. If symptoms are chronic or sudden onset, or you are at all worried, please contact your doctor as it is likely that your symptoms are to do with something other than the sound therapy.

To support yourself after this session, give some thought to:

  • Giving yourself time and space to process the session - this may mean blocking busy events from your schedule

  • Drink more water than you would normally do - a few glasses is fine

  • Give some thought to your diet, eat lightly before and after the session

  • Some people report feeling a little achy, fluey, emotional (teary) or hung-over the next morning. This is a common response to the treatment and indicates release of some kind. These feelings should clear up within a few hours, but if you are at all concerned, please contact me.

You can contact me directly on

Aftercare leaflet